Our leasing services in Kenya are currently available for Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME’s), Corporates and Government both County and Central Government.
With an operating lease, the lessee is allowed to use an asset over a specific period of time in return for periodic payments based on partial payout of the capital cost of the asset. It does not convey the right of ownership of the asset.
Key Features
- 1 , 2 or 3 Year lease term
- Lease may be offered as a packaged through structuring the lease with support and insurance thus one predetermined rental (Wet Lease)
- Execution of one Master Rental Agreement from the onset to cater for lease of various asset categories under one contract
- Leases can be multi-currency based on your income streams
- Flexible end of term options i.e. either renewal of the lease, return of the asset with no further obligations or sale of the same to third parties
- No large initial capital required either for outright purchase
- No risks of obsolescence as you only pay for usage of the asset.
- Flexibility in lease structuring where maintenance and insurance packaged as part of the lease thus one predetermined payment.
- Cash flow management as predetermined rentals established in advance mainly payable on quarterly basis.
- Full lease rental is an operating expense thus providing a tax shield for the full lease duration.
- Allows flexibility at the end of the lease term such as extension on the lease or replacement of old assets for new
- No involvement in disposal of the asset at the end of the lease term
- VAT on the asset leased is spread over the lease term of the asset and can be offset against input VAT.
- Rental payments are not based on 100% cost of the asset. This means that the lessee pays for a portion of the capital cost based on the period the asset is in use and doesn’t pay for the estimated value of the asset assessed at the end of the lease term.
- For technological upgrades, leases allow a much faster mode of change through return and upgrade of the assets leased
- Financial ratio benefits as assets are off balance sheet thus improving ratios such as return on capital and current ratios.
- No large asset registers required as assets not owned
- Last 3 years audited accounts
- Latest management accounts if last audited accounts are more than 6 months old
- 6 months bank statements from all your active accounts
- Copy of certificate of incorporation
- Copy of company pin and memarts
- Copy of all directors pin and id’s
- Comprehensive company profile with details about company, branch networks, key management staff (Format: Name & Position, Education Background, Work experience)
- Aged debtors and creditors listing for the last 6 months
- Application letter indicating nature of assets to be leased, duration of lease, and expected action at the end of the lease
* Processing time: 14 workings days